13 November 2008

Martin Eisenstadt: "I am not a hoax" [Nixon-esque jowl jiggle]

We all knew that Sarah Palin wasn't the brightest crayon in the box, or the sharpest tool in the shed, or even the shiniest marble in the marble bag, but not knowing that Africa was a continent? Come on. That almost unbelievable claim raised more than a few eyebrows, and as it turns out, for good reason.

Martin Eisenstadt, the supposed McCain advisor and senior fellow at the Harding Institute who leaked this and other "inside information" to the press, is today revealed by the NYTimes to be nothing more than a publicity hoax. The story is here:


Interestingly, however, Mr. Eisenstadt has a blog, on which he asserts his existence and claims that he is emphatically NOT a hoax. Huh????


What is this world coming to. If we can't believe in blogs, what can we believe in???

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