11 February 2009

Indulgences are back! (Thank God!)

Remember indulgences? Probably not from personal experience, but from religious history? They were the "get out of Purgatory free" passes handed out to Catholics with enough dough to afford them, back in the pre-reformation days. Well, guess what? They're baaaack!

“Confessions have been down for years and the church is very worried about it,” said the Rev. Tom Reese, a Jesuit and former editor of the Catholic magazine America. In a secularized culture of pop psychology and self-help, he said, “the church wants the idea of personal sin back in the equation. Indulgences are a way of reminding people of the importance of penance.”

“The good news is we’re not selling them anymore,” he added.

You hear that? For a limited time only (through the end of the celebration of St. Paul in June), you can now get your hands on free indulgences. People, this deal will NOT last long. Hurry in to your local church or cathedral and stock up--they're going fast!

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