03 April 2009


The NY Daily News reports today on Prax Sanchez, a 72-year old Colorado resident who recently discovered that he had a one-inch long nail lodged in his sinus cavity. Said nail had been chilling up there for upwards of 30 years without Sanchez's knowledge, and it was only dislodged after a painful MRI and what I expect was a stronger-than-usual cough.

In itself, this story isn't too interesting. I'm sure there's tons of shit lodged in most of us that we don't know about. Thankfully, the diligent reporters over at the NYDN took the time to investigate this growing phenomenon and compile a wonderful slideshow of 27 (!) other freaky things lodged in people's noses/throats/body cavities/you can only imagine where else. Not for the faint of heart.

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