11 November 2008

Today's WSJ opinion page

If you get the WSJ, definitely check out their opinion page today. It's a real hoot.

Note that when I say "check out", by no means am I suggesting you actually read it. Oh no; that would be a complete waste of time. Just look at it. And laugh.

All the pieces are organized under the heading "What Does the GOP Do Next?" and clearly show the confusion and disorganization of the current Republican party. Even the page is laid out poorly. It looks like a tetris board of conservative whining.

You can check out the articles, without the funky positioning, here:


I'm having trouble picking a favorite, but it's definitely between the one claiming that Republicans "speak to people's hopes and aspirations" (hahahahahahhahahah oh god I think I'm choking ahahahahsdklfja;sldkfja;sdf) and "What Would Reagan Do".

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