09 March 2010

More dogs should be filmed in slow motion

Until recently, I felt like our society had fallen into the trap, a delusion really, that only exotic animals like cheetahs and gazelles could be compellingly filmed in slow-motion. In the below video, Pedigree really works to break us out of that box:

Yes, Virginia, dogs jumping to catch kibble in their mouths can be every bit as exciting as some hoity toity "Planet Earth" special in HD. Two words: Ba-roo.

Great news, lushes/fatties!

According to a new study published this week in the Archives of Internal Medicine, booze can make you skinny! Woohoo! Some choice excerpts:

Although alcohol is packed with calories (about 150 in a six-ounce glass of wine)...[t]he risk of becoming overweight was almost 30 percent lower for women who consumed one or two alcohol beverages a day, compared with nondrinkers.

The trend toward less weight gain among drinkers doesn’t appear to hold true for men [however]...Men typically add alcohol to their daily caloric intake, whereas women are more likely to substitute alcohol for food.

Although this article was posted by fake journalist and my own personal mortal enemy, Tara Parker-Pope, I must admit I like these findings. Not only do they justify drinking, but they also affirm the health benefits of the Alcohol-Cigarettes-Drugs diet I have long advocated. Victory all around!

24 February 2010

Hillary Duff has become interesting

Admit it: you haven't thought about Hillary Duff at all since she left Gossip Girl. Not once. Why would you? Who has she blown lately? Well, as it turns out, this guy:

Wow. How were these even captured? Some photographer just happened to be standing outside their room at the exact moment he proposed? What are the odds of that? I smell a blow job publicity stunt.

10 February 2010

Snow News Day

Up until today, I was pretty unimpressed by the recent Northeastern snowstorms and frankly getting a little bored by all the snow-related news. NBC Washington's "Around Town" desk has made me come around, however.

Bo loves the snow! Isn't that just so interesting? I mean, this story works on so many levels. Level one: rhymes. Level two: contains dog. Keep up the good work, NBC!

21 January 2010

Mobile Puppies!!!!!!!!!!

The day has finally come: it is now possible to access the Shiba Inu Puppy Cam's reincarnation (Kika's got a new litter, yay!) on your mobile device. An artist's rendition:

Just download the UStream viewing app on your iPhone, click on "Shiba Inu Puppy Cam" (easy to find; it's one of the Featured sreams), and BAM! It's live, it's mobile, and it's PUPPIES!!!!!! Technology: you have outdone yourself.

15 January 2010

I never though I'd write a post about Heidi Montag...

..but her escapades have finally surpassed disgusting and reached grotesque proportions, and I can no longer ignore her pathetic, wimpering cries for attention. Check out these side-by-side photos from People (via The Superficial) to see what I'm getting at.

You know, I feel partly responsible for this. If I had known that she was going to find a little nickname like Chinasaurus Rex offensive, then I would have just stuck with Tits McGee and let that be that. Oh well, hindsight...

08 January 2010

Breaking News: Panda

Behold: Panda Cam. Provided by the San Diego zoo, this black-and-white feed (no color necessary... they're pandas) provides non-stop panda-viewing action.

Currently, the panda is eating some leaf- or tree-like substance, possibly a tree branch with leaves on it. Developing.

07 January 2010

That blueberry scone has 460 calories. Still want it?

The answer, at least according to Starbucks customers in New York City, is FUCK NO. A new study conducted at Stanford University, reported by Reuters, sheds light on the inner workings of the breakfast treat-consumer's mind:

A New York City law [enacted in 2008] requiring restaurants to post the calories of their menu items led Starbucks customers to consume 6 percent fewer calories per transaction, a Stanford University study found. For people who averaged more than 250 calories per purchase, calorie consumption fell by a more dramatic 26 percent.

These findings dovetail perfectly with my own personal experience, and might quiet some objections to the new calorie-posting regulations. Fat-shaming works, people.

Re-Inaugural Blog Post: Metropolitan Bloggery v2.0

Welcome back, my little bloglings! I've missed you so. It has been a rollercoaster ride these past few months, but I am finally back and bloggier than ever. So, without further ado, let's get post-ical (post-ical)!